"The most reliable and diligent Oxen belong to this collection of Oxen. The Earth element balances many of their negative characteristics. These Oxen are show good judgement, a good characteristic for successful financial dealings. Other people tend to look up to Earth Oxen because of their reliability, sincerity and their modest ambitions. They are willing to tackle the workload when it become overbearing for others and are loyal and compassionate with family and friends."
President Barrack Hussein Obama born August 4, 1961 Is A Metal Oxen
" Like metal, these Oxen are amazingly strong. They’re extremely hard-working individuals who will do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals. They’re trustworthy, dependable individuals who are not likely to show emotion. They have difficulty interpreting the feelings of others. "
Best Wishes To President Barrack Hussein Obama Inauguration On the 20th Jan 2009 "Yes We Can," The "Change That We need," Welcome The Ox In The Year Of The Oxen.

Natasha's Clay Project
More Comments From International Forum
From: llgrow
Subject: [clay-polymer] Re: Kids Celebrating The Earth Ox 2009
Date: 19 Jan 2009 AM 11:36:50
Garie, as usual your kids have put a smile on my face. They are so
adorable and talented. Their enthusiasm can be seen on their faces.
I love everything they make. I would not be able to pick any one as
a favorite they are all my favorites. I look forward to each new
post you send to us. You do such a great thing by working with your
Thank you so much for sharing. And Happy Chinese Lunar New Year to
you and your family and the kids.
Please let them know that this crafter in Michigan USA really enjoys
seeing their work and their talent. Keep up the good work.
Love Linda
Happy Crafty Day, CraftyLinda
From: StarGazer (STARGAZERCA) Jan-22 8:37 am
Polymer Clay Central
To: simgarie
Oh How Precious!! I love your kids, Garie! Please tell them all how much I enjoyed looking at their creations and:
Gung Ha Fat Choy!!!
From: GloriBeS Jan-22 9:59 pm
Polymer Clay Central
To: simgarie
Those are just wonderful. The expressions on the childrens faces tell how much fun they are having.
Thanks so much for sharing.